Radiant Management en Advies b.v.

Radiant Management en Advies is a one person company of Henk Zwetsloot. For work experience see https://www.linkedin.com/in/henk-zwetsloot-b3766b2/
The company offers interim management for IT departments and also other areas than IT. Focus of interim assignments should be on introducing agility in departments and teams. The company can give advise in this area and offers training ITS Management, Marslander of GamingWorks or other games.
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Contact Radiant Management en Advies b.v.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations | Trainers |
MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management |
Henk Zwetsloot
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations |
The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management |
The Phoenix Project - DevOps |