Kessel Pok SAS

Spanish version:
Kessel Pok es una empresa creada en Bogotá en Mayo del 2011 con el propósito de asesorar y acompañar a Organizaciones de TI en los aspectos estratégicos y tácticos de su alineación con el negocio, mediante la aplicación de marcos de buenas prácticas de TI y herramientas de gestión empresarial adaptadas al negocio de TI.
English version:
Kessel Pok is a firm founded in Bogotá in May 2011 with the purpose of advising and supporting IT Organizations in the strategic and tactical matters of its alignment to the business through the application of IT good practice frameworks and business management tools adapted to the business of IT.
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Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations | Trainers |
Apollo 13 - IT Service Management |
Luis Caldera
The Phoenix Project - DevOps |
Luis Caldera
MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management |
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The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) |
Luis Caldera
MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) |
Luis Caldera
CarGO - IT Service Management essentials |
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