Why serious gaming in digital transformations?
Digital transformation efforts succeed when sufficient attention is paid to people. Usually, people do not get the confidence, space, and time to actual practise and learn how-to. If you want to retain the talent in your organization, it is especially important in such a dynamic situation to embrace, empower and guide them. Otherwise, Companies do not achieve the desired out-comes in digital transformation. Resulting in low efficiency, overspending budgets, delay in delivery of products and services and unfortunately low motivation of employees.
Deploying high-calibre talent is a critical success factor in any transformation. We learn these skills and expertise by Learning by doing in serious games; business simulations.
Serious Gaming is essential to hone, cultivate and grow your professional and team skills in a safe learning environment. People need to get used to a new way of working, one that is new and has never been applied in their context. And off course serious games are fun, create awareness and buy in.
Serious Gaming involves experimentation, mistakes are allowed to be made. All frameworks and best practises, rely on an approach that comprises continuous learning, experimentation, feedback, and improvement. Participants can prepare themselves for their real-life work situations and incorporate knowledge and skills like Agile, DevOps, Service and Project Management and all 21st century skill sets needed in a modern organization.
These are things that can in part be learned in traditional training courses, but the greatest and most sustainable effect is achieved when these skills are developed – and reflected on – while applying them. Like learning to drive a car. Not by the books but by actually driving the car.
During a simulation, participants are given the opportunity to experience a complete transformation from the old way of thinking and doing to the new one. They are exposed to scenario’s that reflect dynamics of a business environment. This allows them to experience what happens in transformations and how to deal with it. Think of new ways to collaborate with stakeholders, prioritize and visualize work, taking responsibility and coping with disorder and stress, building trust and much more. The outcome is confidence, coherence, trust, and a mutual understanding of the application of a team’s new skills.
For over 20 years we as GamingWorks provide a set of over 20 scenario-based simulations, or Serious Games, to our Training and Consulting Partners all over the world.