The biggest challenge for PM Agile is managing dynamics…
The biggest challenge within PM Agile is not the method but the skills of the team to start, execute and finish a project in a dynamic environment. How many project managers can handle this?
Last week Piotr Gorny of ctPartners delivered a very successful PM Agile simulation. A team of 10 professionals ran this interactive workshop and supported the mighty Pharaoh towards a successful ‘After-life’ journey.
Major outcomes of this simulation were:
- Participants who had the PM Agile knowledge, still find it hard to START the project using Agile principles.
- Participants found it very useful to practice PM Agile in this interactive simulation and see this a very powerful addition to regular training.
- They also liked the realistic context to practice their skills in a dynamic and complex environment rather then just doing small exercises to practice elements of the whole Agile approach.
- It’s very interesting to see how in this simulation people from Business and people from Development have to work together and how difficult this sometimes is.
This outcome shows the importance of developing the rights skills to manage the variety of dynamics within this PM Agile approach to the WHOLE project team.
The biggest challenge are:
- Starting up a project and having effective dialogues with both ‘customers’ and developers. Working on the requirements (too many for the money and the time)
- Preparing the sprint with the Product Owner to set the right priorities and the requested requirements. Working with a the must haves, should haves et cetera.
- Running a start-up meeting and make the next iteration better then the previous one, solving issues and be prepared on the actions of this next step. Just a few minutes, with a team of people sharing the right information and decisions.
- Managing the Sprint-review to work with the customer and execute the deployment plan.
- Facilitating a Retrospective session to capture lessons learned and improve the process to make the project a success and create a happy customer (and project team)
Still a lot to learn in how to manage this dynamics…