Viable Projects GmbH

Viable Projects GmbH is a service provider for
organic work flow naturalization & modeling.
For many years we have been supporting companies throughout the German-speaking world in achieving organization-wide agility. Practicality is our highest premise and systematically repeatable effectiveness is our goal. That’s why we pay attention to both a high degree of usability and room for creativity in processes, software or guidelines of all kinds. Only if PEOPLE and ORGANIZATION are in flow, employees are motivated, want to be and stay involved.
Based on their perspectives, we focus our attention on identifying and eliminating bottlenecks. This is often achievable through recollection as well as reduction to the essentials with our guidance. With everyone’s involvement, we create lasting meaning as well as a serious difference in the marketplace.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations | Trainers |
The Phoenix Project - DevOps |
The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management |
The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management |