Train the Trainer – The Phoenix Project (DevOps)

The next 2 days open Train the Trainer for The Phoenix Project at our office in Amsterdam is scheduled on 28th and 29th of September 2023.

The costs for this training are Euro 500 per seat. Expenses for travel and accommodations are on your own account.

The schedule for the training event is as follows:

Location             : GamingWorks training room in Amsterdam

Day 1                   : 09.00 AM – 05.00 PM

Day 2                   : 09.00 AM – approx. 04.00 PM

The program exists of the two days train the train and will contain a detailed introduction of the Game Design, Game play and a walk-through the game by experiencing the introduction, the four rounds, scoring and reflection of each round. Use of materials and tips and tricks to facilitate the simulation. After this TtT you will have a clear picture of the full simulation, how to handle the materials and how to facilitate the day. You still need to practice one full simulation to become a Certified Trainer (and your company a Certified Delivery Partner). This can be done with your own team of colleagues or a first customer.

If you want to participate, register below or contact our

Why use The Phoenix Project?

DevOps seems to be the latest ‘buzzword’ and trend in the IT industry. Driven by the business need for ever faster deployment of new functionality and frustration with the time and effort it takes to get new systems into Operations. It is no longer a question of ‘should we adopt DevOps’ ,but ‘when and how’. However DevOps represents a significant cultural and behavioral change and many organizations fail to address this in their adoption. This game can be used to help explore and understand DevOps, and to identify and agree concrete actions for adopting and deploying DevOps practices.

Registration Train the trainer - The Phoenix Project

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